We are a team of high school, undergraduate, graduate students, and professionals in the job market who chose to invest our time helping other students with study materials, exercise lists, and free mentoring. If you are interested in being part of the project, please contact us via email

Below are the profiles of some of our founders and volunteers:

Rafael Souza

I am a student of the Farias Brito course, ITA/IME class, founder of the project and national bronze medalist of the OBMEP and gold medalist of the OBA. Furthermore, I have experience in economics and entrepreneurship participating in the HVTSP program at Harvard.

Roles: president; math and physics teacher; Q&A on Discord.

Humberto Sanches

I am a business administration student at UTFPR, co-founder and vice-president of the project and very interested in finance.

In addition, I enjoy getting involved in extracurricular activities such as OBECON, UN simulations, and debate tournaments.

Roles: vice-president; history teacher; Q&A on Discord

Pedro Ramiro

I am a medical student and I have awards in UN simulations, a silver medal and honorable mention at OBC and honorable mention at OBQ.

In addition, I study a lot about lifestyle, personal development, neuroscience and behavior, nutrition and I am an athlete.

Roles: vice president; teacher of Biology and Chemistry; Q&A on Discord

Lumen Edu by Rafael Souza is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0


Lumen Edu by Rafael Souza is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0


Lumen Edu by Rafael Souza is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0


Lumen Edu by Rafael Souza is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
